amx_ban | amx_ban <player> <time> [reason] | Bans a player from the server for a specified time. Use 0 for permanent ban. |
amx_kick | amx_kick <player> [reason] | Kicks a player from the server, with an optional reason displayed to the player. |
amx_slap | amx_slap <player> <damage> | Slaps a player, dealing damage and launching them into the air. |
amx_slay | amx_slay <player> | Instantly kills a specified player, usually for punishment or to stop disruptive behavior. |
amx_map | amx_map <map_name> | Changes the current map to the specified one. |
amx_vote | amx_vote <question> <option1> <option2> ... | Starts a vote among players with a question and various options for players to choose from. |
amx_cvar | amx_cvar <cvar_name> <value> | Changes the value of a server's CVAR (console variable), allowing admins to modify server settings. |
amx_exec | amx_exec <command> [player] | Executes a console command on a specific player or all players. |
amx_gag | amx_gag <player> | Mutes a player's chat and voice communication, preventing them from speaking or typing in chat. |
amx_ungag | amx_ungag <player> | Removes the mute from a previously gagged player, allowing them to chat and speak again. |
amx_warn | amx_warn <player> <reason> | Issues a warning to a player for specific behavior, with the option to include a reason. |
amx_restart | amx_restart <time> | Restarts the current map after the specified time in seconds. |
amx_pause | amx_pause | Pauses the game, stopping all gameplay actions. |
amx_unpause | amx_unpause | Resumes the game after it has been paused. |
amx_csay | amx_csay <message> | Displays a message in the center of all players' screens in a specified color. |
amx_tsay | amx_tsay <message> | Sends a message to all players in the top area of their screens. |
amx_psay | amx_psay <player> <message> | Sends a private message to a specific player, useful for admin-to-player communication. |
amx_chat | amx_chat <message> | Sends an admin-only message to other administrators on the server. |
amx_votemap | amx_votemap <map_name> | Starts a map voting session for players, allowing them to choose the next map for the server. |
reset_stats | csstats_reset 1 | Resets all player rankings, including /top15 and /rankstats commands. |
amx_pausecfg | amx_pausecfg | Pauses or unpauses a specific plugin. |
amx_extendmap | amx_extendmap <minutes> | Extends the current map's time limit by the specified amount of minutes. |