Step 1: Configuring the Plugin and Discord web hook.
Download the discord_call_admin.sma file.
Open the discord_call_admin.sma file in a text editor.
Open your Discord server.
Go to Server Settings > Integrations > Webhooks.
Click New Webhook and give it a name (e.g., "CS1.6 Reports").
Select the text channel where reports should be sent.
Copy the webhook URL and paste it in the following line:
new const WEBHOOK[] = "";
Replace YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL with the webhook URL copied from Discord.
Compile it using AMXX Studio or the amxxpc.exe compiler.
Place the compiled discord_call_admin.amxx file in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins/.
Step 2: Download and configure "gRIP" AMXX Module
Download the gRip module from link ( HERE )
Place the module in folder addons/amxmodx/modules/
Coppy the grip.ini file and place in addons/amxmodx/configs/
Step 3: Restart you server and Enjoy
Commands : /calladmin