Classic Public Mod - This is a standard classic mod for public servers.
Mod Features:
Elite Anti-Cheat System - An anti-cheat system that detects hacks, scripts, aliases, and more. Updated as of 05.01.2023.
DiveXBans System - An AMXX plugin designed to restrict access to specific players on the game server temporarily or permanently. Most players will not be able to bypass the ban.
GagSystem_ReAPI - A lightweight gag system that blocks all voice/text communication channels.
AES Rank System - An innovative ranking system that can track player scores and save them in MySQL or nVault.
Ad Manager - An ad management tool that allows you to manage server advertising messages.
Advanced Quake Sounds - A modified plugin for adding sounds for different kills, with easy configuration options (includes the latest sounds).
Advanced Bullet DMG - Shows real-time damage dealt by the player.
Bomb Status - Displays where and by whom the bomb was planted.